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Exploratory model analysis using cdf knotting with applications to distinguishability,limiting forms,and moment ratios to the three parameter weibull family
An exploratory model analysis device we call CDF knotting is introduced. It is a technique we have found useful for exploring relationships between points in the parameter space of a model and global properties of associated distribution functions. It can be used to alert the model builder to a condition we call lack of distinguishability which is to nonlinear models what multicollinearity is to linear models. While there are simple remedial actions to deal with multicollinearity in linear models, techniques such as deleting redundant variables in those models do not have obvious parallels for nonlinear models. In some of these nonlinear situations, however, CDF knotting may lead to alternative models with fewer parameters whose distribution functions are very similar to those of the original overparameterized model. We also show how CDF knotting can be exploited as a mathematical tool for deriving limiting distributions and illustrate the technique for the 3-parameterWeibull family obtaining limiting forms and moment ratios which correct and extend previously published results. Finally, geometric insights obtained by CDF knotting are verified relative to data fitting and estimation.
Keywords:CDF knotting  multiparameter distribution distinguishability  extreme value distributions  moment ratios  estimation
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