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引用本文:刘湘兰. 论儒释道梦观念对六朝志怪小说的楔入[J]. 安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2011, 35(2)
摘    要:儒家将梦作为对未来命运进行预测的手段,在志怪小说中,儒家占梦术起着预叙或倒叙的叙事功能;小乘佛教将梦作为化解重大事件的途径,反映佛教内容的志怪小说经常运用直叙手法,将梦境与现实融合一体;而道教则认为梦是人精魂散失导致的幻象,认为无梦才是修炼者的理想状态,强调圣人不梦。在道教梦幻小说中,作者只是如实地记录梦境。魏晋六朝文人将儒释道的梦观念融会贯通,在志怪小说的创作中,梦成为结构作品的重要手段,由此增强了志怪小说的审美张力。

关 键 词:占梦  志怪小说  宗教

The Understanding of Dreams in Traditional Chinese Philosophy Embodied in Supernatural Novels in the Six Dynasties
LIU Xiang-lan. The Understanding of Dreams in Traditional Chinese Philosophy Embodied in Supernatural Novels in the Six Dynasties[J]. Journal of Anhui University(Philosophy & Social Sciences), 2011, 35(2)
Authors:LIU Xiang-lan
Abstract:Supernatural novels in the Six Dynasties bear traces of the understanding of dreams in Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhism.Influenced by the Confucianist belief that dreams are predictions of one's future life,flashforward and flashback techniques are employed for some supernatural novels.Dreams can alleviate the burdens of reality in Theravada Buddhism.As a result,direct narration is adopted in supernatural novels where dreams and reality are interwoven.In Taoism,it is upheld that sages don't have dreams and dreams are only illusions due to the spiritual desertion.Thus,in some supernatural novels,dreams are recorded without any alteration.
Keywords:dream interpretation  supernatural novels  religion
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