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3D Collaborative Virtual Environments: Exploring the Link between Collaborative Behaviors and Team Performance
Authors:Mitzi M. Montoya  Anne P. Massey  Nicholas S. Lockwood
Increasingly, organizational work is conducted by virtual teams interacting across boundaries of space and time. Despite advances in collaborative technologies, members of virtual teams often find the experience challenging and a far cry from physically “being there.” In response, immersive and interactive three‐dimensional collaborative virtual environments (3D CVEs) are emerging and purported to address the shortcoming of earlier technologies. How teams will interact and ultimately perform in a 3D environment remains to be seen. In this study, drawing from group and communication theories, we explore the link between collaborative behaviors and the performance of virtual teams working in a 3D CVE. We report on the results of a controlled experiment consisting of 39 virtual teams of 91 individuals. Through cluster analysis, we identify distinct patterns of collaborative behaviors associated with differential levels of performance. Our findings provide a deeper understanding of how the unique spatial and visual characteristics of 3D CVEs may transform virtual work.
Keywords:Cluster Analysis  Collaborative Technologies  Mediated Communication  Virtual Teams  3D Collaborative Virtual Environments
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