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Games With Discontinuous Payoffs: A Strengthening of Reny's Existence Theorem
Authors:Andrew McLennan  Paulo K. Monteiro  Rabee Tourky
We provide a pure Nash equilibrium existence theorem for games with discontinuous payoffs whose hypotheses are in a number of ways weaker than those of the theorem of Reny (1999). In comparison with Reny's argument, our proof is brief. Our result subsumes a prior existence result of Reny (1999) that is not covered by his theorem. We use the main result to prove the existence of pure Nash equilibrium in a class of finite games in which agents' pure strategies are subsets of a given set, and in turn use this to prove the existence of stable configurations for games, similar to those used by Schelling (1971, 1972) to study residential segregation, in which agents choose locations.
Keywords:Noncooperative games  discontinuous payoffs  pure Nash equilibrium  existence of equilibrium  better reply security  multiple restrictional security  diagnosable games  residential segregation
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