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Economic Impact of Accelerated Cleanup on Regions Surrounding the U.S. DOE's Major Nuclear Weapons Sites
Authors:Greenberg  Michael  Solitare  Laura  Frisch  Michael  Lowrie  Karen
Affiliation:(1) Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, Rutgers University, 33 Livingston Avenue, Suite 100, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08901-1958
Abstract:The regional economic impacts of the U.S. Department of Energy's accelerated environmental cleanup plan are estimated for the major nuclear weapons sites in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington. The analysis shows that the impact falls heavily on the three relatively rural regions around the Savannah River (SC), Hanford (WA), and Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (ID) sites. A less aggressive phase-down of environmental management funds and separate funds to invest in education and infrastructure in the regions helps buffer the impacts on jobs, personal income, and gross regional product. Policy options open to the federal and state and local governments are discussed.
Keywords:nuclear weapons sites  accelerated cleanup  economic impact  Savannah River  Rocky Flats  Hanford  INEEL  Oak Ridge  Los Alamos  Sandia
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