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Examining Reports and Policies on Cognitive Enhancement: Approaches,Rationale, and Recommendations
Authors:Simon M. Outram Ph.D.  Eric Racine Ph.D.
Affiliation:1. Novel Tech Ethics , Dalhousie University , Halifax, Canada simon.outram@dal.ca;3. Neuroethics Research Unit , Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM) , Montreal, Canada;4. Department of Medicine and Department of Preventive and Social Medicine (Bioethics Programs) , Université de Montréal , Montreal, Canada;5. Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Division of Experimental Medicine and Biomedical Ethics Unit , McGill University , Montreal, Canada
The phenomenon of cognitive enhancement is attracting attention in bioethics literature and beyond, in public policy. In response, three bodies—the British Medical Association (BMA); the Commission de l'éthique de la Science et de la technologie (CEST) du Québec; the American Academy of Neurology (AAN)—have produced reports and guidance on this topic. To gain insights into different public policy approaches, rationales, and recommendations on the topic, we analyzed these reports in depth. We found convergence on the definition (with the exception of the CEST) of cognitive enhancement. However, we noted a lack of critical reflection with respect to the underlying rationale for developing these reports, i.e., that cognitive enhancement practices are rampant and represent major social changes. As it currently stands, cognitive enhancement is constituted in a way that challenges the creation of coherent and effective policy recommendations. However, policy makers should not simply wait for definitional consensus and hope that on balance the benefits turn out to be greater than the risks. Some components of cognitive enhancement could be reduced down to clearly identified policy targets to be further examined. Then, if appropriate, policy should be created that is, amongst other criteria, beneficial to the majority of the population.
Keywords:biomedical enhancement  enhancement technologies  health policy  psychotropic drugs
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