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引用本文:肖惠兰. 汉字部首编纂法源流论正[J]. 湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2005, 32(6): 701-704
摘    要:汉字的部首编纂法源远流长,由最初的文字学表义部首法逐渐演化为辞书学的检字部首法,再改进为偏旁笔画法,而偏旁笔画法又因汉字构造的复杂性和特殊性,同一汉字在不同字书辞书中或被列在不同的部首和笔画之下,呈现出曲折的变化。关于汉字部首编纂法的历史发展,至今缺乏系统的研究,甚至有某些无根之论为人们所习焉不察。研究这个问题的难度不在于理论的深奥与方法上的技巧,而在于对原始文献的几乎穷尽的搜寻与科学的分析。其探讨的价值是,正确展示适应汉字特点的民族化辞书编纂法,有助于各国汉字学界从一个侧面了解我国字典编纂史,提高运用之效。

关 键 词:部首  编纂法  历史  发展  论正

A Textual Research of the Chinese Characters Radical Compiling Method History
XIAO Hui-lan. A Textual Research of the Chinese Characters Radical Compiling Method History[J]. Journal of Hubei University(Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2005, 32(6): 701-704
Authors:XIAO Hui-lan
Abstract:Chinese characters radical compiling method has experienced many variations.Because of the complexity and particularity of the structure of Chinese characters,the same Chinese character in different dictionaries is listed differently.There is still no systematic researching about the historical development of Chinese characters radical compiling method until now,people got used to and accepted some groundless conclusions.The difficulty of such researching is not theory profundity or method technique but thorough searching and scientific analysis for original literatures.The value of inquiring into this problem is to correctly show national dictionary compiling method which is adapt to Chinese character feature.It is helpful for academic circle to know the dictionary compiling history of our country from one aspect and to improve the efficiency of consulting dictionaries.
Keywords:radical  compiling method  history  development  textual research
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