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引用本文:王扬. 德国对待1931-1933年远东危机态度分析[J]. 武汉大学学报(人文科学版), 2000, 0(2)
摘    要:第一次世界大战结束以后,德国为了摆脱在国际上的孤立地位和《凡尔赛和约》的束缚,对日本采取了承认其在远东的霸权地位,认同其在中国的特殊利益的政策,以便争取得到日本更多的同情和支持。受这种意图影响,在“9.18事变”爆发后,德国在国联采取了表面上“中立”,实际上袒护和纵容日本的政策,严重伤害了中国人民的感情。

关 键 词:魏玛德国  远东危机  外交政策

German Attitude Towards Far-Eastern Crisis (1931-1933)
WANG Yang. German Attitude Towards Far-Eastern Crisis (1931-1933)[J]. Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences), 2000, 0(2)
Authors:WANG Yang
Abstract:After the end of the First World War, Weimar Germany strove to be lifted out of isolation and to cast off the of the Versailles Treaty. It admitted Japanese hegemony in Far-Eastern and her special interests in China, in order to win over her sympathy and support. For these reasons, after occur of Muk- dan incident, Germany remained superficial neutral in the League, but essentially was partial to Japan. This policy injured grievous the Chinese feelings.
Keywords:Weimar Germany  Far-Eastern Crisis  foreign policy  
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