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引用本文:丁克家. 汉文译著:回儒对话历史与现实的文本资源[J]. 回族研究, 2002, 0(4): 22-25
摘    要:文明对话的基础是对其他文明的平等、宽容、广泛的理解和研究态度。但从近现代以来,中国知识分子为了探讨挽救民族危亡的历史困局,“师夷长技以制夷“,民族救亡和社会革命的任务是头等大事,因此,大家的眼睛始终盯着希腊-罗马传统的欧美文明,急于理解和研究他们。长此以往,也就自然而然地忽略了、甚至拒绝理解其他非西方文明。综观20世纪的中国学术文化史,我们发现除了个别大家鸿儒,中国一般的知识分子普遍存在着不懂伊斯兰文明、不懂印度文明,更不懂那些较小的文明。他们不屑于了解这些文明。他们对这些文明的傲慢态度不亚于某些西方人士。所以,作为泱泱文明大国,积极加入到世界文明对话的时代潮流中,对世界各个大系文明与亚文明展开深入广泛地研究和探讨,


The Chinese Version of the Islamic Manuscripts: the Textual Sources of the Historical and Present Dialogue Between the Hui Scholars and Confucians
DING Ke-jia. The Chinese Version of the Islamic Manuscripts: the Textual Sources of the Historical and Present Dialogue Between the Hui Scholars and Confucians[J]. Journal of Hui Muslim Minority Study, 2002, 0(4): 22-25
Authors:DING Ke-jia
Abstract:Mr. Du Weiming began to realize the importance and necessity of the dialogue between Islam and Confucianism in the early 1990s. He has held series of the conferences about the dialogue between civilizations in academic level and attained good effect. The participants of the conferences highly valued the translating activities of the Islamic manuscripts in history of China, and made a new cultural interpretation of them. Being the historical texts about the dialogue between civilizations, being the good examples of the dialogue between Islamic and Confucius civilizations, the historical heritage should be further developed today.
Keywords:the Dialogue Between Civilizations   the Dialogue Between the Hui Scholars and Confucians   Chinese Version of Islamic Manusctipts
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