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引用本文:聂保平. 不正常者的非常之美——“魏晋风度”新论[J]. 南京社会科学, 2011, 0(9)
作者单位:苏州大学政治与公共管理学院 苏州215006
摘    要:本文尝试从才性、自然之理和德行三个向度上重新理解魏晋风度,认为自然形体美、放达行为等并非风度的质地,名士风流的底蕴源自高才的彰显,对自然之理和传统思想精髓的领悟,以及他们的卓绝德行。

关 键 词:高才  自然之理  德行    

On the Extreme Beauty of the Abnormal During Wei-jin Period:A New Understanding on the Demeanor of Wei-jin
Nie Baoping. On the Extreme Beauty of the Abnormal During Wei-jin Period:A New Understanding on the Demeanor of Wei-jin[J]. Social Sciences in Nanjing, 2011, 0(9)
Authors:Nie Baoping
Affiliation:Nie Baoping
Abstract:The paper showed a new understanding about the demeanor of Wei-jin in Natural Ability and Human Nature,Principles of Nature,and Virtuous Conduct,argued why the endogenous idiosyncrasy of the demeanor couldn't grow from pretty figure,unrestrained behavior,drug and wine,but rooted in what the excellent natural abilities of the famous gentlemen were unaffectedly presented by themselves,what they deeply benefited from the traditional thought by continue studying,and the outstanding actions were aroused by their...
Keywords:natural abilities  principles of nature  virtuous conduct  beauty  
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