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An Analysis of Damage to U.S. Soybean Yields from 1982 Acid Deposition Levels
Authors:Paul D. Moskowitz  William H. Medeiros  Neal L. Oden  Henry C. Thode  Jr.  Elizabeth A. Coveney  Robert E. Rosenthal
Affiliation:Biomedical and Environmental Assessment Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973.;Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. 20506.
Experimental data were compiled for seven soybean varieties studied at four different locations in the U.S. for a period of one to three years. Three dose–response functions (linear, quadratic, and Weibull) were fitted, as appropriate, to the experimental data. Effects of acid deposition on soybean yields were estimated by combining variety-specific dose–response and production data. These calculations suggest that U.S. soybean production (2.2 billion bushels in 1982) would increase by 3.2 million bushels with a 10% reduction in 1982 hydrogen ion concentration levels in all counties where soybeans were grown, and by almost 70 million bushels with uniform improvement to pH 5.2. These estimates are based on many simplifying assumptions and are subject to several important sources of uncertainty explored in this study. The calculated changes are small in comparison with effects from other natural and anthropogenic stresses.
Keywords:Agricultural production    soybeans    acid deposition    damage
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