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引用本文:黄森,蒲勇健. 区域差异导致经济块状发展的空间机理研究[J]. 统计研究, 2011, 28(4): 42-48
作者姓名:黄森  蒲勇健
作者单位:1. 重庆大学经济与工商管理学院
2. 重庆大学可持续发展研究院
摘    要: 本文运用空间计量经济学模型以及修正绝对β收敛回归模型,对中国2003—2007年省域经济发展的集聚性与差异性进行研究发现:中国31个省域之间存在着较强的空间集聚和空间依赖性,虽受到地域限制,但集聚辐射区域有逐步扩大的趋势;固定资产投入、人均实际工资以及城镇化率对于区域经济集聚的发展起到稳健的推动作用,FDI对集聚区域发展的促进作用也越加显著,但是财政投入却在一定层度上遏制了块状经济的发展。另外,修正和传统收敛模型均显示,2003-2007年我国经济整体发展呈现明显的不收敛特性。

关 键 词:集聚型经济;空间计量经济学模型;修正β收敛回归模型  

Empirical Analysis of Spatial Linkages in Regional Differences leading to Massive Economic Development
Huang Sen,Pu Yongjian. Empirical Analysis of Spatial Linkages in Regional Differences leading to Massive Economic Development[J]. Statistical Research, 2011, 28(4): 42-48
Authors:Huang Sen  Pu Yongjian
Affiliation:Huang Sen & Pu Yongjian
Abstract:With Spatial Econometrics Model and Absolute β Convergence Regression Model, this paper does spatial econometric analysis of the concentration and differences of provincial economic growth in China from 2003-2007. The results show that: there is a strong spatial concentration and dependence among 31 provinces, while subjected to geographical constraints, concentration region has gradually expanded; investment in fixed assets, per capita real wages and urbanization play a role in promoting stability the formation and development of regional economic concentration, and on the promotion of concentration regional development FDI play a more significant role, but the financial investment plays a role in curbing. In addition, amendment and the traditional convergence models show that China's economy has represented significant characteristic of non-convergence from 2003 to 2007 .
Keywords:Agglomeration Economy;The Spatial Econometrics Model;Amendment βConvergence Regression Model
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