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"泛起希望的微光,恰似那雪花圣火一般" ——北大外籍教师参加北京冬奥会开幕式有感
引用本文:北京大学国际合作部,宿青云,史婕."泛起希望的微光,恰似那雪花圣火一般" ——北大外籍教师参加北京冬奥会开幕式有感[J].国际人才交流,2022(2):66-72.
作者姓名:北京大学国际合作部  宿青云  史婕
摘    要:2月4日,北京大学东门外,外籍教师们怀着开心和激动的心情合影,整装向鸟巢出发!“北京冬奥会加油,我们来了!”夜幕下的国家体育场(鸟巢)华灯璀璨、美轮美奂,充满着春节的喜庆气氛和冬奥的激情活力。外籍教师们激情飞扬,为叹为观止的冬奥会开幕式表演摇旗呐喊,掌声、笑声、欢呼声从未间断。场内、场外,中国、世界,共同唱响“一起向未来”的冰雪欢歌。

关 键 词:外籍教师  冬奥会  东门外  开幕式表演  激情飞扬  激情活力  圣火

A Glimmer of Hope:The Flame and the Snowflake——Experience of Foreign Teachers of Peking University Visiting the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games
Abstract:Outside the East Gate of Peking University(PKU),our international teachers pose for a photo,their glee and excitement apparent on February 4.Beijing Winter Olympics,here we come!The National Stadium(Bird’s Nest)sparkled in the night,filled with Chinese New Year vibes and the Olympic spirit.In the stadium,our international teachers watched the Olympics opening ceremony excitedly,applauding,laughing and cheering with the crowd.In chorus,the entire stadium sang“Together for a Shared Future”,harbouring hopes for a better future.
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