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The Use of Multiple Family Marathon as a Teaching Device
Authors:Irene Goldenberg  Serena Stier  Terry Anne Preston
Affiliation:Terry Anne Preston, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology, Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA;Irene Goldenberg, EdD, is Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology and Director of Psychological Services, Children's Division Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA;Serena Stier, PhD, is Administrative Assistant of Policy Studies, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC
This paper discusses the rationale and methods for using a multiple family marathon as a teaching device in the context of an intensive group-supervision family therapy training program conducted by the authors. Procedures used in the marathon are described, as well as how the concept stimulates increased focus on issues common to family therapy and broadens the experience of the students. The effects of the marathon on the students' views of their therapy families and of themselves as family therapists are explored.
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