论族群与族群关系 |
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引用本文: | 周大鸣. 论族群与族群关系[J]. 广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2001, 23(2): 13-25 |
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作者姓名: | 周大鸣 |
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作者单位: | 周大鸣 |
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摘 要: | 有关族群和族群性的概念多种多样。族群与民族均来源于西方,但它们之间是有区分的。在对族群的研究中,族群认同被视为一个主要的内容,族群认同总是通过一系列的文化要素表现出来,文化是维持族群边界的基础。关于族群关系的讨论有许多不同的理论同化理论、文化多元理论、生物学的理论、人文生态理论、权力和分层理论及整合的族群关系理论等。
关 键 词: | 族群;族群性;族群认同文化 |
文章编号: | 1002-3887(2001)02-0013-13 |
修稿时间: | 2000-09-20 |
On the Racial Groups and Relationship among Racial Groups |
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Abstract: | There are various concepts of racial group and features of racialgroups. The concepts of racial group and nation originated from the West, but with some dinstinctions between these two concepts. Racial group identification which manifests itself through a series of cultural factors is a main aspect of the research on the racial groups. Culture is the basis of racial group boundary. As to the relation ship among racial groups, theories are different:such as assimilation theory, pluralis tic culture hypothesis, human-ecological culture theory , power level theory and integration theory. |
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Keywords: | racial groups features of racial groups identification culture ofracial groups |
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