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引用本文:巴·苏和. 蒙古族近代文学大师尹湛纳希研究概述[J]. 中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2004, 0(1)
作者单位:内蒙古民族大学学报编辑部 内蒙古通辽 028043
基金项目:内蒙古哲学社会科学“十五”规划项目——《2 0世纪中国蒙古文学研究史》 (批准号 :0 1 3 7)的阶段性研究成果
摘    要:尹湛纳希(1837—1892)是蒙古族文学史和中国文学史上的著名作家,蒙汉文化交流史上的先驱。20世纪50年代以来,在我国对尹湛纳希家世、生平和文学创作历程研究,尹湛纳希文学创作与外来文化的关系研究,尹湛纳希文学创作与蒙古族文学传统研究,尹湛纳希文学作品文本研究,尹湛纳希在蒙古族文学史和中国文学史上地位研究等方面,都取得了丰硕成果。

关 键 词:尹湛纳希  文学创作  研究

Research Summary of Mongolian Great Writer Injannashi in Modern Times
B.Suhe. Research Summary of Mongolian Great Writer Injannashi in Modern Times[J]. Journal of The Central University for Nationalities(Humane and Social Sciences Edition), 2004, 0(1)
Abstract:Injannashi,who was famous writer in Mongolian literary history and Chinese literary history,was the forerunner of the cultural communication between Mongolian and Chinese.Since the fifties of the 20th century,we have gained suceessful achievements in the research of Injannashi's clan,life and literary creation process;the research of the relation between Injannashi's literary creation and external culture;the research of Injannashi's literary creation and Mongolian literary tradition; the research of Injannashi's literary works;the research of Injannashi's status in Mongolian literary history and Chinese literary history.
Keywords:Injannashi  literary creation  research
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