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引用本文:张国庆. 公共行政的典范革命及其启示[J]. 北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2000, 37(5): 81-89
作者单位:北京大学政治学与行政管理系,北京 100871
摘    要:受到同期社会科学典范革命的影响 ,从 2 0世纪 60年代开始绵延三十余年 ,围绕政府的现状与未来的问题 ,西方国家发生了涉及广泛的公共行政的典范革命。公共利益、公共责任、管理主义、政府制度创新、民营化、社区自治、中介组织、“掌舵而不划桨”的市场导向、企业化政府等构成了公共行政的新的典则规范。政府从“制高点”退却构成了一种世界现象。然而 ,最终的结论还需要时间

关 键 词:典范革命  公共行政  政府革新

Public Administration: Paradigm Revolution and Its Apocalypse
ZHANG Guo qing. Public Administration: Paradigm Revolution and Its Apocalypse[J]. Journal of Peking University(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2000, 37(5): 81-89
Authors:ZHANG Guo qing
Abstract:Since its emergence in the social science in the 1960s, the paradigm revolution also occurred in the fields of Public Administration in the western countries, concerning what the government is and what it should be, and have influenced many aspects in the next 30 years. This revolution brings a series of new paradigm of Public Administration:public interest, public responisibility, managerialism, government institutional innovation, non|statelization, community autonomy, medium organization, market|oriental and enterprise|like government, etc. It seems well|known that governments should withdraw from !the commanding heights. However, we still need some time to draw a final conclusion.
Keywords:paradigm revolution  public administration  government innovation
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