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引用本文:张河清,霍生平. 湘西地区旅游人力资源协调管理研究[J]. 湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2005, 29(2): 147-149
作者姓名:张河清  霍生平
基金项目:国家社科基金项目《民族地区旅游开发的区域竞争与区域协作问题研究》,批准号: 03CJY018。
摘    要:旅游人力资源的协调管理发挥着统筹旅游人力资源空间分布、培养旅游项目开发适用人才和发掘区域旅游协作人才的功能。建立大湘西旅游圈,需要以实现区域旅游人力资源空间合理配置和优化组合为前提,需要由政府、企业、中介组织和旅游教育机构正确选择各自的角色定位来综合协调旅游人力资源管理体系。

关 键 词:湘西地区  旅游人力资源  协调管理

The Study on Coordination Management of Tourism Human Resource of Xiangxi Region
ZHANG He-qing,HUO Sheng-ping. The Study on Coordination Management of Tourism Human Resource of Xiangxi Region[J]. Journal of Xiangtan University(Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2005, 29(2): 147-149
Authors:ZHANG He-qing  HUO Sheng-ping
Abstract:The coordination management of tourism human resource plays the role of distributing the human resource space, developing the talented person of tourism item and the co-operation human resource . The establishment of Xiangxi Great Tourism Circle needs a premise that the tourism human resource space is distributed reasonably and combined excellently,as to which governments, business enterprises, organizations and institutions of education have to choose the right role to moderate the tourism human resource management system.
Keywords:Xiangxi region  tourism human resource  coordination management
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