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Focused estimation for noisy and small data sets: a Bayesian minimum expected loss estimator approach
Authors:Andr  s Ramí  rez‐Hassan,Manuel Correa‐Giraldo
Affiliation:Andrés Ramírez‐Hassan,Manuel Correa‐Giraldo
Central to many inferential situations is the estimation of rational functions of parameters. The mainstream in statistics and econometrics estimates these quantities based on the plug‐in approach without consideration of the main objective of the inferential situation. We propose the Bayesian Minimum Expected Loss (MELO) approach focusing explicitly on the function of interest, and calculating its frequentist variability. Asymptotic properties of the MELO estimator are similar to the plug‐in approach. Nevertheless, simulation exercises show that our proposal is better in situations characterised by small sample sizes and/or noisy data sets. In addition, we observe in the applications that our approach gives lower standard errors than frequently used alternatives when data sets are not very informative.
Keywords:Bayesian estimator  frequentist variability  hidden Markov models  functions of parameters
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