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引用本文:桂华明,马士华,关旭,张林兰. 基于Supply-hub的2个供应商单制造商批量协调问题研究[J]. 管理学报, 2012, 0(8): 1218-1224
作者姓名:桂华明  马士华  关旭  张林兰
摘    要:考虑一个由2个供应商和单制造商组成的装配型供应链,分析并建立了制造商、Supply-hub和2个供应商的平均成本函数,提出了分别由制造商和2个供应商负责Supply-hub营运及成本时的生产与订货批量模型。研究结果表明:当由制造商负责时,供应商距离Supply-hub越远,制造商的生产批量越大,且Supply-hub中的零部件补货批量相比供应商负责时更大;当由供应商负责时,制造商的生产批量不随供应商的远近而变化,供应商的零部件生产批量也不变。此外,在适用Supply-hub的条件下,相比由制造商负责,由2个供应商负责Supply-hub的运营并分担其成本时,整个供应链的总成本更低,2个供应商与制造商之间可以通过合理分配使2个供应商与制造商的营运成本均有所降低,从而实现整个供应链系统的Pareto优化。

关 键 词:供应链  准时供货  集配中心  批量协调

Lot Sizes Coordination among a Manufacturer and Two Suppliers Based on Supply-Hub
GUI Huaming,MA Shihua,GUAN Xu,ZHANG Linlan. Lot Sizes Coordination among a Manufacturer and Two Suppliers Based on Supply-Hub[J]. Chinese JOurnal of Management, 2012, 0(8): 1218-1224
Authors:GUI Huaming  MA Shihua  GUAN Xu  ZHANG Linlan
Affiliation:1(1.Hubei University,Wuhan,China; 2.Huazhong University of Science & Technology,Wuhan,China)
Abstract:Considering an assembly-type supply chain consisting of two suppliers and a manufacturer,the cost functions of them are established.Moreover,the production and order quantity models are proposed respectively by the manufacturer and two suppliers responsible for the supply-hub’s operation and costs.The results show that when the manufacturer is responsible for the supply-hub’s operation,the farther the suppliers are from the supply-hub,the greater the manufacturer’s production quantity is,and the replenishing lot-sizes of parts to the supply-hub are greater compared to the manufacturer being responsible for the supply-hub’s operation.When two suppliers are responsible for the supply-hub’s operation,the production quantities of the manufacturer and suppliers do not vary with the distance between suppliers and supply-hub.Moreover,in the conditions for using supply-hub model,compared to the manufacturer,the suppliers are responsible for supply-hub operation and costs,which may make the whole supply chain to achieve Pareto optimization since the manufacturer and suppliers can obtain a win-win solution.
Keywords:supply chain  JIT  supply-hub  lot sizes coordination
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