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Building a statistical model to predict reactor temperatures
Authors:Carl Scarrott   Granville Tunnicliffe Wilson
Affiliation: a Lancaster University.
This paper describes the various stages in building a statistical model to predict temperatures in the core of a reactor, and compares the benefits of this model with those of a physical model. We give a brief background to this study and the applications of the model to rapid online monitoring and safe operation of the reactor. We describe the methods, of correlation and two dimensional spectral analysis, which we use to identify the effects that are incorporated in a spatial regression model for the measured temperatures. These effects are related to the age of the reactor fuel and the spatial geometry of the reactor. A remaining component of the temperature variation is a slowly varying temperature surface modelled by smooth functions with constrained coefficients. We assess the accuracy of the model for interpolating temperatures throughout the reactor, when measurements are available only at a reduced set of spatial locations, as is the case in most reactors. Further possible improvements to the model are discussed.
Keywords:Spatial  Prediction  Two-DIMENSIONAL  Spectra  Linear  Mixed  Model
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