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引用本文:谭家健. 《刘子新论》新论[J]. 长沙理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2002, 17(2): 74-77,80
作者单位:中国社会科学院文学研究所 北京100732
摘    要:《刘子新论》又名《刘子》 ,当为北齐刘昼所作。学术体系属于杂家。其内容政治上主张儒法兼用 ,君以民为心 ,法因时而变 ,要善于发现并合理使用人才 ;哲学上提倡名实并秀、言理兼得 ,认为祸与福、利与害可以互相转化 ;美学上肯定美感的共同性 ,美与丑的相对性 ,主张内容重于形式 ,重视美的实用性 ;在道德修养方面 ,宣扬清心寡欲 ,不竞不争 ,重视学习 ,讲求诚信 ,忠贞不二 ,爱惜时间 ,戒骄戒满。不少观点虽杂取前人 ,但亦多有发挥 ,时有可取

关 键 词:《刘子新论》  内容  新论

A New Interpretation of the New Essays of Liu Zi
TAN Jia jian. A New Interpretation of the New Essays of Liu Zi[J]. Journal of Changsha University of Science & Technology, 2002, 17(2): 74-77,80
Authors:TAN Jia jian
Abstract:The "New Essays of Liu Zi",also known as "Liu Zi", was written by Liu Zhou of the Beiqi Period(550-577) during the Southern and Northern Dynasty of Chinese history. In the academic system it belongs to the miscellaneous school. In terms of political views, it contains the proposition of the combination between Confucianism and Legalists with the principle of governing on the basis of the demand of the broad masses while carrying out necessary reforms of the law under specific circumstances with reasonable employment of talented personnel. Philosophically it advocates equal stress on name and entity,speech and theory while considering the interchangeability between fortune and misfortune, benefit and harm. Aesthetically, it affirms the universality and practiability of beauty and the relativity between beauty and ugliness with the emphasis on content against form. In the aspect of moral cultivation, it propagates tranquility of the heart free from desires, without competition, but life-long learning to achieve honesty and trust, steadfast faith with a readiness to cherish the fleeting time while fighting against pride and arrogance. Many of the ideas are borrowed from his predecessors, but still adviseable with the author's further development.
Keywords:New Essays of Liu Zi  content:a new interpretation
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