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引用本文:陈跃兵. 生产力:邓小平理论的逻辑起点[J]. 盐城工学院学报(社会科学版), 2002, 15(4): 14-16
摘    要:生产力是社会主义社会结构的物质基础 ,是社会主义逻辑结构的根本出发点。邓小平是以生产力为逻辑的历史起点 ,开启了对于什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义的逻辑思考 ,形成了邓小平理论的逻辑体系

关 键 词:生产力  结构在先  逻辑与历史的一致

Productive Force:The Logical Starting-Point of Deng Xiaoping'S Theory
CHEN Yao bing. Productive Force:The Logical Starting-Point of Deng Xiaoping'S Theory[J]. Journal of Yancheng Institute of Technology, 2002, 15(4): 14-16
Authors:CHEN Yao bing
Abstract:The differences" between logic and history should be emphasized and great importance should be attached to the research method of Marx's "struture priority "in defining the logical starting--point of Deng Xiaoping theory .Productive force is the material basis of socialist social structure and the basic starting--point of socialist logical structure. Deng Xiaoping regarded Productive force as a logical historcal starting--point, started his logical thinking of what socialism is and how socialism is built; and formed the logical system of Deng Xiaoping' theory.
Keywords:productive force  ?structure priority  ?agreement of hisory with logic  
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