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引用本文:郑欣. 新生代农民工的城市适应——基于传播社会学的视角[J]. 南京社会科学, 2011, 0(3)
摘    要:影响新生代农民工城市适应的因素和障碍有很多,大众传媒也日益发挥着重要影响。现有研究过多地关注大众传媒对于农民工影响的表层效果,而忽视了对于适应过程的意义建构与生活实践的理解。本文提出,由于城市适应是一个多因素、多层次、多变量的综合概念,因此有必要从系统的角度,对新生代农民工城市适应的全景式要素进行研究,并意欲从关注其进城前后受大众传媒包括新媒体影响的各种城市适应指标变化状况出发,来展现并解释和理解新生代农民工城市适应与生存实践这一过程事件。

关 键 词:新生代农民工  城市适应  传播学  

On the New Generation of Peasant Workers' Adaptation to City Life: From the perspective of communication
Zheng Xin. On the New Generation of Peasant Workers' Adaptation to City Life: From the perspective of communication[J]. Social Sciences in Nanjing, 2011, 0(3)
Authors:Zheng Xin
Abstract:Many factors and obstacles affect the new generation of peasant workers' adaptation to city life,among which the mass media increasingly play a critical part.However,the relevant researches to date have given much attention to the mass media's effects to the peasant workers on a superficial sense,whereas overlooked the understanding of the process of the peasant workers' adaptation to urban life and their living experiences.This article contends that we should make a panoramic investigation into the aspects...
Keywords:new generation of peasant worker  adaptation to city life  communication  
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