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Book reviewed in this article:
Anderson, T. W., Das Gupta, S., and Styan, G. P. H. A Bibliography of Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Dall'Aglio, Giorgio (Ed.). Studi di Probabilitá, Statistica e Ricerca Operativa in Onore di Giuseppe Pompilj . Tipografia Oderisi
Koosis, Donald J. Statistics
Sutcliffe, J.P. (Ed.) . Mathematics in the Social Sciences in Australia: an Australian Unesco Seminar
Gnedenko, B. W., and Kovalenko, I. N. Einfürhrung in die Bedienungstheorie
Gray, H. L., and Schucany, W. R. The Generalized Jacknife Statistic
Mitchell, G. H. Operational Research: techniques and Examples .
Bennett, J. H. (Ed.). Collected Papers of R. A. Fisher , Volume I.
Bhat, U. N. Elements of Applied Stochastic Processes .
Wonnacott, T. H., and Wonnacott, R. J. Introductory Statistics .
Federer, Walter T., and Balaam, Leslie N. Bibliography on Experiment and Treatment Design Pre-1968 .
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