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引用本文:王兆鹏. 何大圭行年考[J]. 上海大学学报(社会科学版), 2006, 13(1): 71-74
摘    要:何大圭是南宋初期词人,早著文名,与著名词人张元干、诗人吕本中等有交游唱和,与“南宋四名臣”之一的李纲关系尤为密切,靖康中李纲兵援太原,大圭为其幕官参与抗战。然生平湮没无闻,迄无考订。经检史乘笔记与类书、方志,并与时人行事、作品互证,考明了其一生大概行踪:政和八年(1118)十八岁进士及第,历任太学录、秘书省正字、枢密院干办官、浙西安抚司参议官。晚年居福州。

关 键 词:南宋词人  何大圭  生平事迹

A Textual Research on He Da-gui's Career
WANG Zhao-peng. A Textual Research on He Da-gui's Career[J]. Journal of Shanghai University(Social Science Edition), 2006, 13(1): 71-74
Authors:WANG Zhao-peng
Abstract:He Da-gui,an author of Ci Poetry in Southern Song Dynasty,was famous for his early literary talent.He made friends,by way of giving Ci poems to each other,with contemporary poets such as Zhang Yuan-qian and Lv Ben-zhong,especially with Li Gang,one of the "Big Four" in the courtiers of Southern Song Dynasty.But nothing about his general career has been handed down to this very day.A textual research of all sorts of ancient histories and many contemporary works can give a general lifetime of Ho Da-gui: successful candidate at 18 in the highest imperial civil service examination;assuming a series of offices in local governments;retiring in Fuzhou,Fujian Province.
Keywords:author of Ci Poetry in Southern Song Dynasty  He Da-gui  career  
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