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引用本文:胡景敏,孙俊华. 高蹈于逻各斯之外--神话思维对《庄子》文本特征的影响[J]. 四川理工学院学报(社会科学版), 2006, 21(2): 98-102
作者姓名:胡景敏  孙俊华
摘    要:神话思维对<庄子>文本特征的形成有着深刻而内在的影响.它以具象言说事物的方式使<庄子>把哲理完全融入它的寓言系统,<庄子>已不仅是一般说理形象化,而且更是直接用形象说理,寓言本身既是手段又具有本体意义;神话思维不回避矛盾的原逻辑特点使<庄子>意象具有多面性,体现在文本上则是模糊混沌特征;神话思维的隐喻性使庄子把自己的精神生活融入外物,并在超越外物的表述层次上使象征意义具有多义性,造成文本的开放性召唤结构.

关 键 词:神话思维  <庄子>文本  模糊性

Text of Zhuang Zi Overtopping Logic-Influence of Mythical Thinking on The Text of Zhuang Zi
HU Jing-min,SUN Jun-hua. Text of Zhuang Zi Overtopping Logic-Influence of Mythical Thinking on The Text of Zhuang Zi[J]. Journal of Sichuau University of Science & Engineering:Social Sciences Edition, 2006, 21(2): 98-102
Authors:HU Jing-min  SUN Jun-hua
Abstract:Mythical thinking has incisive and potential influence on textual characteristics of Zhuang Zi. Its mode of speaking objects through images makes Zhuang Zi utilize allegory system to clarify its ideas; allegories are not only Zhuang Zi's discourse means, but also things-in-themselves. Its characteristic of pre-logic makes some of Zhuang Zi's images be self-contradictory, which leads to the textual obscure style. Its metaphor makes Zhuang Zi's soul life and objects in harmony, these objects which have divers symbolic implications create the open text of Zhuang Zi.
Keywords:mythical thinking  the text of Zhuang Zi  confusion  
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