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引用本文:王璐. 试论卢文弨书信中校勘思想方法[J]. 西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2009, 9(3): 137-140
摘    要:介绍了清代校勘学大师卢文弨从事校勘事业的基本情况,以《抱经堂文集》为基础,分析和研究了收集于其中的卢文弨现存书信,着重探讨了书信中的校勘思想和方法。将其书信中的校勘思想归纳为:采众家之长,择善而从;依据体例,适择校注篇幅;保留他注,以助后学。将其书信中的校勘方法归纳为:联系实际,以资校勘;运用算术方法推理助校。同时,指出并举例说明了书信中所见的卢文弨校书不足之处:不察本书体例,强征他书而误;对本书体例考察有失而致误。研究结果可以补充他人对卢文招校勘思想和方法研究的不足,为深入研究和全面探讨卢文弨乃至清代校勘思想和方法注入了新鲜的内容,具有积极的意义。

关 键 词:卢文弨  书信  校勘  思想  方法

Lu Wenchao''s Thought and Methods of Textual Criticism in His Letters
WANG Lu. Lu Wenchao''s Thought and Methods of Textual Criticism in His Letters[J]. Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition), 2009, 9(3): 137-140
Authors:WANG Lu
Affiliation:Institute of Ancient Chinese Documents Research;Hubei University;Wuhan 430062;China
Abstract:A brief introduction ia given to the textual criticism of Lu Wenchao,who is a textual criticism master in the Qing Dynasty.Bao Jing Tang Collection is taken as an example to analyze and study the extant collected letters of Lu Wenchao,and mainly to discuss his textual criticism thought and methods in that book.Lu's textual criticism thought could be concluded as: Collecting wildly while choosing and following what is really good;Based on the style,selecting the length of criticism notes;Retaining criticism ...
Keywords:Lu Wenchao  letter  textual criticism  thought  method  
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