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Comparison of Separable Components in Different Samples
Affiliation:Fakultät für Mathematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Institut für Statistik und Ökonometrie, Georg August Universität Göttingen
Abstract.  Imagine we have two different samples and are interested in doing semi- or non-parametric regression analysis in each of them, possibly on the same model. In this paper, we consider the problem of testing whether a specific covariate has different impacts on the regression curve in these two samples. We compare the regression curves of different samples but are interested in specific differences instead of testing for equality of the whole regression function. Our procedure does allow for random designs, different sample sizes, different variance functions, different sets of regressors with different impact functions, etc. As we use the marginal integration approach, this method can be applied to any strong, weak or latent separable model as well as to additive interaction models to compare the lower dimensional separable components between the different samples. Thus, in the case of having separable models, our procedure includes the possibility of comparing the whole regression curves, thereby avoiding the curse of dimensionality. It is shown that bootstrap fails in theory and practice. Therefore, we propose a subsampling procedure with automatic choice of subsample size. We present a complete asymptotic theory and an extensive simulation study.
Keywords:bootstrap    comparison of regression curves    marginal effects    non-parametric testing    separable models    subsampling
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