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摘    要:霞光瓦业有限公司的董事长兼总经理崔如霞出生在人杰地灵的山西省阳城县。从17岁开始.她就—直同陶土滚打在一起。陶乡的泥土文化熏染了她.先辈的精湛艺术吸引了她,自我的天赋爱好锤炼了她,改革的市场经济成就了她,使她终于成为第三批国家级非物质文化遗产代表性传承人。

关 键 词:中国北方  农村妇女  工艺品  非物质文化遗产  技术  传统  资源丰富  对外开放

Into the Future! Rural Woman Revitalizes Traditional Chinese Handicraft Technologies
Abstract:Cui Ruxia is general manager and chairperson of the board of directors of Xiaguang Tile Industry Co,, Ltd., which is located in Yangcheng County, in North China's Shanxi Province. Cui is a native of the resource-rich area. Since she was 17, she has been devoted to improving her skills as a manufacturer of colored-glaze products. Cui, who seized the opportunity presented by China's reform and opening to the world, has spared no effort in developing her enterprises (the above-mentioned company and a plant that manufactures colored-glaze products) during the past few years. She has inherited the nation's intangible cultural heritage.
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