爱、外在性与责任:列维纳斯的爱的伦理解读 |
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引用本文: | 林华敏. 爱、外在性与责任:列维纳斯的爱的伦理解读[J]. 东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 2013, 15(1) |
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作者姓名: | 林华敏 |
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作者单位: | 广西大学政治学院,广西南宁,530004 |
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基金项目: | 广西大学科研基金资助项目 |
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摘 要: | ![]() 爱始于差异性,而非同一性。现代性伦理从主体性出发,寻求清晰性与自由,将爱的内在矛盾性视作一种疾病,采用"固定"和"漂流"的策略去克服它,以规则与自由取代情感冲动与责任,最终却将真正的爱导向死亡。以列维纳斯为代表的后现代伦理学家从他者的绝对异质性出发,强调爱的非对等性和责任。他者的外在性是伦理的源头,外在性的进入使得主体自身性被打破,爱才得以可能;对他者的欢迎是去质问我的自由。真正的爱是一种自我的让位,是由"以自我为中心"走向"以他人为中心",是"成为他人的人质"。列维纳斯的爱的伦理是现代性原始情感和责任缺失的背景下的一种回归,它试图探寻在主体性、理性和自由这些概念之前人类原初的伦理经验。这种"伦理的伦理"构成了罗尔斯和哈贝马斯这类伦理"立法者"工作的前提。
关 键 词: | 爱 列维纳斯 异质性 他者 责任 |
Love,alterity and responsibility:Levinas' ethics of love |
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Abstract: | ![]() Love begins with differences rather than the sameness.As one of the most famous postmodern ethicists,Levinas designated the priority to the other and recognizes the absolute alterity of the other in love.The exteriority of being is morality itself,on the basis of which the real ethics comes true.As a return in the social background of the loss of the emotions and responsibilities,Levinas's ethics of love explored the moral experience of human beings before the creation of subjectivity,reason and freedom.His work laid a foundation for the efforts of the "legislators" such as Rawls and Habermas. |
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