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引用本文:杜君. 中国现代知识分子的心路历程[J]. 北方论丛, 2002, 7(2): 30-33. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3541.2002.02.005
摘    要:中国现代知识分子形成于第一次世界大战前后,主要来源于新式学堂、教会学校和国外留学,同中国近代知识分子、工农劳动阶级以及资本主义国家知识分子相比较,有其自己的特点.五四以后三十年,中国知识分子基本上经历了三条不同的历史道路.探索现代知识分子的特点及其所经历的历史道路,可以清晰地展示现代中国社会发展的客观规律.

关 键 词:中国现代知识分子  特点  道路

An Analysis on the Special Features of the Chinese Intellectuals in Modern Times
Du Jun. An Analysis on the Special Features of the Chinese Intellectuals in Modern Times[J]. The Northern Forum, 2002, 7(2): 30-33. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3541.2002.02.005
Authors:Du Jun
Abstract:The Chinese intellectuals in modern times formed around World War I.They mainly came from the newly typed schools,missionary schools and returned students from abroad.Compared with the intellectuals in earlier times of China and those in the capitalist countries,compared with the workers and peasants,the Chinese intellectuals in modern times have their own special features.Thirty years after the May 4th Movement,the Chinese intellectuals mainly underwent three different historical ways.
Keywords:the Chinese intellectuals in modern times  special features  ways
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