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引用本文:张勇. 《诗经》宴饮诗的儒学文化意义[J]. 西安电子科技大学学报(社会科学版), 2011, 0(5): 74-77
摘    要:《诗经》的宴饮诗反映出仁爱精神与道德理性在周代文明中成长了起来,它塑造了情感兴发的诗教传统以及即生活即宗教的儒家人本精神。在《诗经》的宴饮活动中,重在情感抒发的“乐”与重视人伦秩序的“礼”统一成为儒学的文化特质。《诗经》中情感兴发为开端的诗教精神与《易传》中忧患敬畏为开端的教化思路,共同构成了儒家的教化传统。《诗经》的礼乐精神,经过情感本体论的现代诠释,可以成为中国文化现代化的美学之维。

关 键 词:《诗经》  宴饮诗  儒学文化

The Confucian Significances of the Banquet Poets in the Book of Songs
ZHANG YONG. The Confucian Significances of the Banquet Poets in the Book of Songs[J]. Journal of Xidian University (Social Sciences Edition), 2011, 0(5): 74-77
Affiliation:ZHANG YONG(Department of Literature and Art,Xi'an University of Finance and Economics,Xi'an,710061,China)
Abstract:Benevolence and morality are the foundation of Confucianism generating in the Banquet Poets of the Book of Songs in the Zhou dynasty. The Book of Songs establishes the model of Confucianism tradition which concludes Affection-cultivating and ethic theory constructing. On the other hand, the spirit cultivating tradition of Confucianism originates from the classic book YI-ZHUAN, which pays high light on the reverence. In modem times, the spirit of The Book of Songs would be the aesthetical dimensionality of modem Chinese culture if it was interpreted by the modem Emotion-ontology.
Keywords:The Book of Songs  Banquet poets  Confucian significances
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