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Small area estimation under random regression coefficient models
Authors:Tomáš Hobza  Domingo Morales
Affiliation:1. Department of Mathematics, Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague 12000, Czech Republichobza@fjfi.cvut.cz;3. Centro de Investigación Operativa, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Elche, Spain
Statistical agencies are interested to report precise estimates of linear parameters from small areas. This goal can be achieved by using model-based inference. In this sense, random regression coefficient models provide a flexible way of modelling the relationship between the target and the auxiliary variables. Because of this, empirical best linear unbiased predictor (EBLUP) estimates based on these models are introduced. A closed-formula procedure to estimate the mean-squared error of the EBLUP estimators is also given and empirically studied. Results of several simulation studies are reported as well as an application to the estimation of household normalized net annual incomes in the Spanish Living Conditions Survey.
Keywords:small area estimation  linear mixed models  random regression coefficient models  EBLUP  mean-squared error  living conditions survey
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