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引用本文:刘宝杰,于博. 论“社会剖析派”小说的艺术特征[J]. 西昌学院学报(社会科学版), 2015, 0(2): 35-37,41
作者姓名:刘宝杰  于博
摘    要:社会剖析派”是中国现代文学史上重要的现实主义小说流派。茅盾、吴组缃、沙丁、艾芜等人是其代表作家。 “社会剖析派”在创作实践中取得了辉煌的艺术成就,形成了独特统一的艺术风格。其作品主题具有时代性和重大性,结构布 局宏大繁复,注重塑造典型人物的典型性格。“社会剖析派”标志着中国现代小说的成熟,对中国文学的发展产生了深远影 响。文章将结合“社会刹析派”具体作家作品和相关史料对其艺术成就进行简要分析。

关 键 词:社会剖析派;艺术特征;分析

A Research on Artistic Characteristics of Social Analysis Novel
LIU Bao-jie and YU Bo. A Research on Artistic Characteristics of Social Analysis Novel[J]. Journal of Xichang College(Social Science Edition), 2015, 0(2): 35-37,41
Authors:LIU Bao-jie and YU Bo
Affiliation:School of Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin 130024; and School of Media and Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin 130017
Abstract:Social analysis school that is a realism novel genre has an important position in the history of Chinese modem literature. Mao Dun, Wu Zuxiang, Sha Ting, Ai Wu and others are its representative writers. Social analysis school made great and brilliant artistic achievement in the creative practice. Social analysis school formed unity unique artistic style in the selection of theme and the arrangement of the structure and shaping personality characters. It marked the maturity of modem novels and has a far-reaching influence on the development of Chinese literature. Article will combine the specific social analysis novels and historical materials to analyze the artistic characteristics of social analysis school.
Keywords:social analysis school   artistic characteristics   analysis
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