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New Tests of Spatial Segregation Based on Nearest Neighbour Contingency Tables
Affiliation:Department of Mathematics, KoçUniversity
Abstract.  The spatial clustering of points from two or more classes (or species) has important implications in many fields and may cause segregation or association, which are two major types of spatial patterns between the classes. These patterns can be studied using a nearest neighbour contingency table (NNCT) which is constructed using the frequencies of nearest neighbour types. Three new multivariate clustering tests are proposed based on NNCTs using the appropriate sampling distribution of the cell counts in a NNCT. The null patterns considered are random labelling (RL) and complete spatial randomness (CSR) of points from two or more classes. The finite sample performance of these tests are compared with other tests in terms of empirical size and power. It is demonstrated that the newly proposed NNCT tests perform relatively well compared with their competitors and the tests are illustrated using two example data sets.
Keywords:association    complete spatial randomness    independence    nearest neighbour methods    random labelling    second-order analysis    spatial clustering    spatial point pattern
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