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引用本文:李忠. 试论民国时期企业内教育的发展趋势[J]. 华北电力大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 0(3): 117-123
摘    要:与清末相比,民国时期企业中的教育得到进一步发展,并呈现新的发展趋势:企业的教育因素不断增加,教育型企业开始出现;企业教育开始体系化;产学研结合的企业经营模式出现;企业开始兼顾企业教育与学校教育的优势;企业教育法律出台,企业教育走向制度化。民国时期的企业内教育发展,使得企业成为不同于学校的教育机构,并对当时的中国教育普及和发展做出积极贡献。

关 键 词:民国时期  企业  教育  发展趋势

The Education Development Tendency in Corporate in the Period of Republic China
LI Zhong. The Education Development Tendency in Corporate in the Period of Republic China[J]. Journal of North China Electric Power University(Social Sciences), 2008, 0(3): 117-123
Authors:LI Zhong
Affiliation:LI Zhong (The Education College of Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract:The education in corporate was developed in the Period of Republic China with educational factor increasing, building of education system, appearance of produce-school-research modem and the promulgating of educational law. The education in corporate was different from the school education in the period of Republic China because it unified the value of economies, education and social.
Keywords:the period of republic china  corporate  edueation  develop tendency
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