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引用本文:但淑华,黄晶. 未成年人监护的实证考察与制度反思[J]. 中华女子学院学报, 2016, 0(2): 19-26. DOI: 10.13277/j.cnki.jcwu.2016.02.002
作者姓名:但淑华  黄晶
作者单位:中华女子学院法学院 100101
摘    要:对100份未成年人监护案件民事判决书的实证研究表明:我国未成年人监护制度在适用中存在着法律依据混乱,单位、村(居)委会未发挥预期作用,未充分尊重当事人及被监护人意思,国家对未成年人监护干预不足等问题。依据未成年人监护立法的儿童最大利益原则、家庭自治原则和国家适度干预原则,我国应修正指定监护制度,以人民法院为唯一指定机关;尊重未成年人父母的自治权,赋予其以遗嘱指定监护人的权利;完善监护监督制度,健全国家代位监护制度,强化国家对未成年人监护的干预。

关 键 词:未成年人监护  儿童最大利益  家庭监护  国家监护

Empirical Research and Rethinking of the Minor Guardianship System
Abstract:Empirical research into 100 minor guardianship cases reveals some problems in the application of China’s system and point to legal provisions that are confusing, parental units and village committees for minor domiciles that are not working the way they are expected, and state intervention that isn’t enough. The system of minor guardianship should be amended according to the best interests of the child, family autonomy and appropriate intervention of the state. Firstly, people’s courts should be the only designator in terms of guardianship. Secondly, the right of designating guardians by wills should be entitled to parents. And lastly, the scope and power of state intervention should be enhanced.
Keywords:minor guardianship  the best interests of the child  family guardianship  state guardianship
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