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A note on the queue with a random set-up time under a restricted admissibility policy with a Bernoulli vacation schedule
Authors:Gautam Choudhury  
Affiliation:aMathematical Sciences Division, Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology, Paschim Boragoan, Guwahati - 781035, Assam, India
This paper deals with the queue size distribution of an Mx/G/1 queue with a random set-up time and with a Bernoulli vacation schedule under a restricted admissibility policy. This generalizes the model studied by Madan and Choudhury [Sankhyá 66 (2004) 175–193].
Keywords:  mml81"  >  text-decoration:none   color:black"   href="  /science?_ob=MathURL&_method=retrieve&_udi=B7CRS-4ND0RT2-1&_mathId=mml81&_user=10&_cdi=18002&_rdoc=3&_acct=C000069468&_version=1&_userid=6189383&md5=28d6bb65f75105af1327f6709c4422e0"   title="  Click to view the MathML source"   alt="  Click to view the MathML source"  >Mx/G/1 queue   Queue size   Bernoulli schedule vacation   Restricted admissibility policy
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