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Hate Speech and Constitutional Protection: Priming Values of Equality and Freedom
Authors:Gloria Cowan,Miriam Resendez,Elizabeth Marshall,&   Ryan Quist
Affiliation:California State University, San Bernardino,;Claremont Graduate University
Abstract:Freedom of speech and equality are two basic values in American culture that cause a value conflict with regard to hate speech. This study examined the effects of priming of values of freedom of speech and equal protection (equality) on perceptions of and attitudes toward hate speech and value prioritization. Data were collected from 159 college students. Priming of freedom of speech directed participants' attitudes and values toward advocating freedom of speech, whereas priming for equal protection directed attitudes and values toward the harm of hate speech. Participants primed for free speech viewed hate speech (introduced via scenarios) as less harmful and the speaker as less accountable than those primed for the harm of hate speech and a control group.
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