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引用本文:曹金祥. 何思源的求生教育思想及其现代意蕴[J]. 聊城大学学报(社会科学版), 2008, 6(1): 69-72
摘    要:何思源在二、三十年代任山东省教育厅长时,基于对封建士大夫教育的批判 ,通过研究教育理论和考察教育现实,提出了求生教育思想,认为教育必须与生产实践 相结合,主张教育必须以爱国主义为核心,倡导社会教育与学校教育并重.何思源求生教 育思想的提出,深受近代中外教育思想的影响,是时代发展的必然产物,对于当前进行的素质教育和教育的大众化具有重要的借鉴意义.

关 键 词:何思源  求生教育  士大夫教育  教育思想

The Survival Education Thought and It's Modern Meaning of He Siyuan
CAO Jin-xiang. The Survival Education Thought and It's Modern Meaning of He Siyuan[J]. Journal of Liancheng University:Social Sciences Edition, 2008, 6(1): 69-72
Authors:CAO Jin-xiang
Abstract:On the basis of criticizing literary intelligentsia education,by researching the education theory and inspecting the education reality,He Siyuan had proposed the survival education thought during he hoided the post of educate department chief of Shandong Province in 20 and 30's.He had advocated the education must unify with the production practice,the patriotism must be take the core of education,the social education and the school education should be regarded equally.Deeply influenced by modern Chinese and foreign education thought, the survival education thought of He Siyuan was the inevitable product of time developing.The survival education has important model significance for the all-around development education and education's popularity.
Keywords:He Siyuan  Survival education  Literary intelligentsia education  Education thought  
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