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Scanner Data and the Treatment of Quality Change in Nonrevisable Price Indexes
Authors:Jan de Haan  Frances Krsinich
Affiliation:1. Division of Process Development, IT and Methodology, Statistics Netherlands;2. OTB, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, 2490 HA, The Hague, The Netherlands (j.dehaan@cbs.nl);3. Prices Unit, Statistics New Zealand (frances.krsinich@stats.govt.nz)
Abstract:The recently developed rolling year GEKS procedure makes maximum use of all matches in the data to construct nonrevisable price indexes that are approximately free from chain drift. A potential weakness is that unmatched items are ignored. In this article we use imputation Törnqvist price indexes as inputs into the rolling year GEKS procedure. These indexes account for quality changes by imputing the “missing prices” associated with new and disappearing items. Three imputation methods are discussed. The first method makes explicit imputations using a hedonic regression model which is estimated for each time period. The other two methods make implicit imputations; they are based on time dummy hedonic and time-product dummy regression models and are estimated on bilateral pooled data. We present empirical evidence for New Zealand from scanner data on eight consumer electronics products and find that accounting for quality change can make a substantial difference.
Keywords:Hedonic regression  Imputation  Multilateral index number methods  Quality adjustment  Scanner data  Transitivity
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