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Male Clients of Male Escorts: Satisfaction,Sexual Behavior,and Demographic Characteristics
Authors:Christian Grov  Margaret Wolff  Michael D. Smith    
Affiliation:1. Center for HIV/AIDS Educational Studies and Training;2. Doctoral Program in Public Health, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York;3. Department of Health and Nutrition Sciences , Brooklyn College, City University of New York;4. Doctoral Program in Public Health, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York;5. Department of Psychology , Susquehanna University;6. Doctoral Program in Health Psychology and Applied Psychology, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York;7. Department of Psychology , Hunter College, City University of New York
Few studies have examined male clients who pay for sex with male escorts. In 2012, clients (n = 495) completed an online survey about their most recent hire. Most clients were White/Caucasian (87.7%), HIV negative (89.5%), employed full time (71.1%), single (58.6%), with a mean age of 54. Three-quarters of clients were gay identified, 18% bisexual, and 4% heterosexual. The median rate paid to escorts was $250 per hour with a modal appointment time of 1 to 2 hours (41.6%). Oral sex was common (80% gave, 69% received), 30% reported anal insertive sex, and 34% reported anal receptive sex. In total, few (12%) reported unprotected anal sex. Satisfaction with encounters was high. Receptive unprotected anal intercourse was associated with greater satisfaction in bivariate analyses but not in multivariable analyses. In a multivariable model, having receptive anal sex (whether protected or not) and rating the financial cost of the encounter as “worth it” were significantly associated with greater satisfaction. This study contributes to a scarce literature regarding clients of male sex workers and, in particular, provides information on the characteristics of men hiring men for sexual services, behavioral event-level data about their encounters, and analysis of factors directly associated with client satisfaction.
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