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A Note on the Frequency Polygon Based on the Weighted Sums of Binned Data
Authors:Wen-shuenn Deng  Jyh-shyang Wu  Li-ching Chen  Shun-jie Ke
Affiliation:1. Department of Statistics, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan;2. Department of Mathematics, Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan
We revisit the generalized midpoint frequency polygons of Scott (1985), and the edge frequency polygons of Jones et al. (1998 Jones, M.C., Samiuddin, M., Al-Harbey, A.H., Maatouk, T. A.H. (1998). The edge frequency polygon. Biometrika 85:235–239.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]) and Dong and Zheng (2001 Dong, J.P., Zheng, C. (2001). Generalized edge frequency polygon for density estimation. Statist. Probab. Lett. 55:137–145.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] , [Google Scholar]). Their estimators are linear interpolants of the appropriate values above the bin centers or edges, those values being weighted averages of the heights of r, rN, neighboring histogram bins. We propose a simple kernel evaluation method to generate weights for binned values. The proposed kernel method can provide near-optimal weights in the sense of minimizing asymptotic mean integrated square error. In addition, we prove that the discrete uniform weights minimize the variance of the generalized frequency polygon under some mild conditions. Analogous results are obtained for the generalized frequency polygon based on linearly prebinned data. Finally, we use two examples and a simulation study to compare the generalized midpoint and edge frequency polygons.
Keywords:Edge frequency polygon  Kernel-based weights  Midpoint frequency polygon  Minimum variance weights  Mixture weights  Uniform weights
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