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Building professional competence – the new focus of social work education in Taiwan
Abstract:This article aims at introducing social work education in Taiwan with the emphasis of required field work practicum in the programmes. The first section is an introduction with numbers and facts, using the passage of the Professional Social Worker Act in 1997 as the watershed to look at the pace and direction of social work education developments in Taiwan; the second section is a summary of a social work professional competence study in Taiwan to analyse the differences between school faculty and field supervisors in comprehending students' core competence; thirdly is to illustrate the response from education programme of enhancing scheme of social work field practicum, using the case of the National Taiwan University, followed by a conclusion.

本文旨在介紹台灣社會工作教育及在课程中尤為著重的必修科目 – 社會工作實習。 文章的第一部分是附有統計數字及事实的简介, 利用1997年通過的社會工作者專业法案作為分水嶺, 以分析台灣社會工作教育的發展步伐及方向; 第二部份是台灣社會工作專業能力的研究總結, 以分析學院及前線社会工作督導在理解學生的核心能力上, 有何差別; 第三部份主要引用台灣大學为例子, 說明在教育课程如何作出回应, 改善社会工作实习的课程, 最後是论文的结论。
Keywords:professional competence  social work education  field work practicum
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