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引用本文:孙悟湖. 宋代汉藏民间层面宗教文化交流[J]. 西藏研究, 2006, 139(4): 36-43
摘    要:文章认为,汉藏两族宗教文化交流主要反映在三种层面上:民间层面的渗透影响、学者僧侣层面的交流传播和中央王朝与地方政府官方层面的往来贡赐。文章仅就宋代汉藏两族民间层面宗教文化交流略作考察,至于其他历史时期与其他层面宗教文化交流则另撰文论述。关于宋代汉藏宗教文化交流,学界关注者寥寥无几,至于民间层面宗教文化交流,则更鲜有问津之人。认为宋代汉藏两族宗教文化交流通过民间方式,将汉地的宗法性传统宗教文化、道教文化、佛教文化传递到了周边藏区民间,也将藏传佛教文化、苯教文化和其他藏族宗教习俗传播到了周边汉地民间。汉藏民间层面宗教文化交流有益地推动了学者、僧侣层面和官方层面宗教文化交流的深度和广度,从某种程度上保持和深化了学者、僧侣层面和官方层面宗教文化交流的成果。

关 键 词:宋代  汉藏  民间层面  宗教文化  交流

The Cultural and Religious Communication in Non-governmental Level between Han and Tibetan in Song Dynasty
Sun Wu-hu. The Cultural and Religious Communication in Non-governmental Level between Han and Tibetan in Song Dynasty[J]. Tibetan Studies, 2006, 139(4): 36-43
Authors:Sun Wu-hu
Abstract:This paper explores the cultural and religious eommunieation in non-governmental level between Han and Tibetan.It llustrates that this kind of communication was very active through which the clan traditional religion,Taoism,Buddhism spread to the Tibetan areas.At the meantime,the Tibetan Buddhism,Bon religion and other Buddhisms were taken to the Han area.The communication in non-governmental level promoted the scope and depth of the communication in the scholar,clergy and governmental level.
Keywords:Song Dynasty  Han-Tibetan  Non-governmental level  religious cultural communication
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