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引用本文:赵荣. 浅谈职业生涯规划教育在中职学校的开展[J]. 职业时空, 2013, 0(2): 110-112
摘    要:市场经济条件下,中职生面临激烈的就业竞争,如何帮助和引导他们做出科学、合理的职业生涯规划,成为中职学校教学的重点。学生在老师的引导下通过自身评估和对环境因素的分析,结合职业理想,规划在校学习生活,可以提高综合素质和就业竞争力,为顺利就业和个人实现终身可持续发展奠定基础。

关 键 词:中职生  就业形势  职业生涯规划

On Career Planning Education in Secondary Vocational School to Carry Out
ZHAO Rong. On Career Planning Education in Secondary Vocational School to Carry Out[J]. Career Horizon, 2013, 0(2): 110-112
Authors:ZHAO Rong
Abstract:The market economy condition, the secondary vocational students face the fierce employment competition, how to help and guide them to make scientific and reasonable career planning, become the focus of secondary vocational school teaching. Students in the teacher's guidance through their own assessment and environmental factors analysis, professional ideal, planning study at school life, can improve the comprehensive quality and the employment competitive power for a smooth employment and realize the sustainable development of the indi- vidual life lay the foundation.
Keywords:secondary vocational students  employment situation  career planning
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