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引用本文:桑甜甜. 论《儒林外史》在叙事时空上的巧妙构建[J]. 西昌学院学报(社会科学版), 2012, 0(1): 28-30
摘    要:《儒林外史》通篇充斥着真与假、穷与达、显与隐、雅与俗以及巧与拙等形形色色的儒林人物,同时小说在社会生活画卷的铺展上,从国家上层政治文化制度一直到底层百姓生活现状,也是无所不包。如此精彩纷繁的人物出场和丰富深刻的社会生活画卷展现,充分显示出吴敬梓在构建小说叙事时空上的巧妙艺术手法。正是这种叙事时空的巧妙构建,也使得小说在复杂繁琐的叙事过程中得以自由吞吐、容纳万象。

关 键 词:《儒林外史》  叙事时间  叙事空间  构建

Analysis of Artful Construction on Narrative Time and Space in The Scholars
SANG Tian-tian. Analysis of Artful Construction on Narrative Time and Space in The Scholars[J]. Journal of Xichang College(Social Science Edition), 2012, 0(1): 28-30
Authors:SANG Tian-tian
Affiliation:SANG Tian-tian(Literature Departments,China West Normal University,Nanchong,Sichuan 637000)
Abstract:There are full of Confucian scholars who are true and false,poor and rich,implicit and explicit,elegant and vulgar,clever and humble in The Scholars.The novel portrays the picture of people’s daily life,which contains the political and cultural system in the nation,and living conditions of ordinary citizens in the bottom of society.The numerous characters in the colorful and profound society show the artful construction practices on narrative time and space adopted by Wu Jingzi.Because of these practices,Wu Jingzi can make the characters vivid,and describe the complicated picture of life,which bring the great success on The Scholars.
Keywords:The Scholars  Narrative Time  Narrative Space  Build
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