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引用本文:邵明. 何处是归程--"新乡土小说"论[J]. 晋阳学刊, 2006, 0(3): 106-109
摘    要:“新乡土小说”以当前城市化进程中往返于城乡两域的农民为表现对象,描写的笔触广涉城乡,从而扩大了乡土小说的叙事空间;由于作家的文化价值立场在传统和现代之间游移不定,所以这一创作不可避免地表现出价值含混的特征;“新乡土小说”的价值困境表明,只有充分实现传统与现代的价值融汇,才能在准确把握当下的基础上提供关于未来的明确想象。

关 键 词:“新乡土小说”  叙事空间  文化价值立场

Where''''s Home --On "New Local Novels"
SHAO Ming. Where''''s Home --On "New Local Novels"[J]. Academic Journal of Jinyang, 2006, 0(3): 106-109
Authors:SHAO Ming
Abstract:"New Local Novels" express the peasants who travel to and fro between the city and the countryside during the process of urbanization,thus having extended the narrative space of local novels.Because the writers hesitate to make a choice between the tradition and the modernity,so these novels show great confusion in cultural value.From the cultural confusion of the "New Local Novels" we can recognize the importance in integration of the cultural values of tradition and modernity.
Keywords:"  New Local Novels"  ,narrative space,cultural value position
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