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引用本文:胡明贵. 山水田园意象与张炜的小说创作[J]. 榆林高等专科学校学报, 2008, 18(5): 68-71
摘    要:张炜精心设计自己小说世界里的意象,通过营造山水田园意象,他不仅找到了激情喷发与道德言说的艺术支点,也搭建起了他理想与道德的精神大厦,同时也使他的小说呈现出一种别具一格的田园诗的抒情特色。因此,研究张炜小说中的山水田园意象具有特别的意义。

关 键 词:张炜  意象  山水田园  人性美

On the Imagery of Zhang Wei's Novels
Affiliation:HU Ming--gui (Zhangzhou Teachers College, Zhangzhou Fujian 363000, China)
Abstract:Zhang Wei, as a writer, has strong desire of speech and moral consciousness, and his works are of strong lyrical and poetic quality. Zhang Wei, by meticulously creating images of world of his novels, successfully solves both the conflict between "reality" and "poem" and the conflict between "reality" and "skill", so as to make his novel demonstrate a peculiar characteristic.
Keywords:Zhang Wei  Imagery  Landscape  the beauty of human nature
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